The Power of Suffering
source: Flickr
I was struck by the Sunday Gospel in a pretty powerful way, as I sat there praising God for the return of my son: his health, his appetite, his spunk, his sense of humor. The rush of relief I felt when I knew the fever broke in the middle of the night (Friday) was renewed as I lifted my heart to the Lord in the Mass.
Little did I know He had something to say to me.
The Gospel was John 9:1-41, about the man born blind whom Jesus healed on the Sabbath. Christ said two things just to me through this story and our priest’s homily:
Suffering is never given in vain, but to show Christ to the world in some way. YOU, Katie, did not show Christ through Paul’s illness. You were negative, frightened, and sought only a solution, an end to the opportunity of suffering I granted your family, instead of trying to find Me in the situation and trusting Me.You thought it was not fair that Paul, a child, be the one with the affliction. How little you understand that my grace flows through him, too, and could have given many people an opportunity to see Me through how you reacted to the Cross I gave your family. Instead you complained.
Like the Pharisees, you were blind to My will, to my gift. Like the Pharisees, I want you to see the truth of suffering, to see the beauty in it, all of it. Like the Pharisees, I need you to be blind to the ways of this world so that you may truly see holiness. The suffering of children is not in vain; it gives the parents a road to Heaven, along which they may bring all their children.
I’m learning. I’m a slow learner. God really has to pull truths out of me and work hard at it.
Have you had experience with choosing a natural remedy over conventional medicine? How difficult was it for you?
UPDATE: Since this post I’ve had a lot more experience battling illness naturally. If you need to know how to get rid of warts naturally, I’ve since written a post on it HERE. You may also be interested in the Top 5 Herbs for Cold and Flu Season.